History of Wyoming

With a population of over 493,782 people, Wyoming was the 44th in the U.S to become a state, on July 10th 1890. The name Wyoming comes from the Delaware Indian word "Maughwauwama" which means "large plains". Wyoming's state capital is Cheyenne, which is also the largest city in Wyoming. Major Industries include mostly farming, and mining (coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium). The states nickname is the Equality State, and our state motto is "Equal Rights". Wyoming's state flag was adopted in 1917. The flag is deep blue surrounded by white and red borders, and a white bison; it has the state seal in the center. The state seal has a rancher on it and a miner on either side of a woman. The woman represents the state's motto "Equal Rights," which is written on the banner she is holding. Wyoming was the first state women had the right to vote..


Yellowstone National is located in three states. Wyoming being one of them. The other two are Montana and Idaho, and encompasses 2,221,766 mostly undeveloped acres, the size of the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. Yellowstone is best known for hot springs and pools, mud pots, and spectacular geysers, such as Old Faithful. There are lots of different wildlife in the park. This includes herds of buffalo, herds of elk, grizzly and black bears, moose, and many other animals. It is one of the finest places to view wildlife in all of North America.

Sources: www.wikipedia.com

